
Container Finance and CMA CGM combination agreement accepted by authorities

The combination agreement between Container Finance Ltd Oy and CMA CGM, signed on 20.6.2018, has been accepted unconditionally by all relevant competition authorities on 22.10.2018.

The combination is estimated to take place on 31.10.2018. Upon closing the agreement, Container Finance’s entire container logistics operations including Containerships plc, Multi-link Terminals Ltd and CD Holding Oy will integrate to CMA CGM’s intra-regional market offering in Europe and Mediterranean area. The CMA CGM Group is one of leading maritime transport companies in the world.

Please see the stock exchange release published accordingly below.

Click for Stock Exchange release in English >> Stock release: Container Finance Ltd Oy and CMA CGM combination agreement accepted by the competition authorities (published 23.10.2018)

Click for Stock Exchange release in Finnish >> Pörssitiedote: Kilpailuviranomaisten hyväksyntä Container Finance Ltd Oy:n ja CMA CGM:n väliselle uudelleenjärjestelysopimukselle (julkaistu 23.10.2018)

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