Wärtsilä Hybrid upgrades will save fuel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for two offshore supply vessels

The technology group Wärtsilä will engineer, supply, and install complete battery hybrid packages to two offshore supply vessels owned by the Norway-based operator Atlantic Offshore. The upgrading project will be carried out at the Fitjar shipyard in Norway. By converting the vessels to hybrid propulsion, the owners will benefit through more economical fuel consumption and a reduced environmental impact. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in June 2019.

The ’Ocean Art’, one of two Atlantic Offshore vessels to be upgraded with a Wärtsilä Hybrid package. Copyright: Atlantic Offshore.

The 746 kWh battery hybrid systems will be installed on the ‘Ocean Star’ and ‘Ocean Art’. Both ships were designed by Wärtsilä, and are fitted with Wärtsilä engines and Wärtsilä Low Loss Concept (LLC) electrical systems. The LLC reduces electrical losses and delivers higher individual engine loads to provide better fuel efficiency. By selecting Wärtsilä for the hybrid battery upgrading, the integration with the existing control systems will, therefore, be seamless.

“Wärtsilä’s Smart Marine approach, with its focus on greater efficiencies and better environmental performance, is an important background to this upgrading project for these two vessels. In addition to saving fuel and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the hybrid package will make the vessels more attractive to potential charterers,” says CEO Roy Wareberg, Atlantic Offshore. “Atlantic Offshore is committed to promoting sustainability throughout our operations and having the ‘Ocean Star’ and ‘Ocean Art’ converted to hybrid propulsion is fully in line with this commitment. We thank Wärtsilä for its excellent support and capabilities in bringing this project to reality.”

Wärtsilä will also carry out the testing and sea trials for the systems following installation. Completion of the project for both ships is expected in early 2020.

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