– We are pleased to announce that mv Carelie is back in our fleet, not physically same as last but this time slightly bigger. Proudly flying Finnish flag, even this time, Antti Partanen, CEO of Rederi AB Nathalie, says.
Mv Carelie (ex Atlantic Horizon) is built by Ferus Smit in 2006. The ship has ice class 1A, thus well fitted for trade to and from Finland.
The ship is a traditional dry-cargo coaster with 2 holds designed for transport of various kinds of bulk goods such as forest products, fertilizers, minerals and many more. Holds are fitted for dangerous cargoes. Dwt of the ship is 6665 tn, making her biggest unit in our fleet.
The purchase is creating work for 13 seafarers.
After the change of flag and other formalities Mv Carelie will enter to long-term time charter to Meriaura.