United Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK) omistaa kokonaan Arctech Helsinki Shipyard Oy:n Helsingin Hietalahdessa. OSK:lle on hiljan nimetty uusi hallitus.
Hallitukseen kuuluvat nyt:
Sergei O. Frank, General Director of Sovcomflot (Chairman of the Board)
Igor E. Levitin, Advisor to President of RF, until 2012 minister of transport
Denis V. Manturov, Minister for Industry and Trade of RF
Vitali V. Markelov, Executive Vice President of OJSC Gazprom
Vladimir Ya. Pospelov, Member of the Colleqium of the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia
Aleksei L. Rahmanov, General Director of JSC OSK, ex vice minister of industry
Sergei N. Shishkarev, General Director of the Delo Group of Companies (a group in stevedoring, container and railway services especially in southern Russia), First Deputy-Chairman of the Government Marine Board
Andrei N. Shishkin, Vice President of OJSC Rosneft
Viktor V. Tsirkov, Commander of the Russian Navy