Suomalainen M/S Finnmill vei eilen 8.9.2015 ensimmäisenä aluksena lastin uuteen, Kronstandtin eteläpuolelalla olevaan Port of Bronka –satamaan. Finnmillin lastina oli uuteen satamaan tarkoitettua kalustoa ja lastinkäsittelylaitteistoja.
Samalle päivälle suunniteltu sataman vihkiäistilaisuus siirrettiin odottamattomista teknisistä syistä. Uusi vihkiäispäivä ilmoitetaan kunnostustöiden päätyttyä.
Multipurpose Sea Cargo Complex ”Bronka” (MSCC Bronka) is being built on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, where the Dam and the Ring Road border the territory of Lomonosov. The Bronka Complex will comprise three specialized facilities: a container terminal encompassing 107 hectares, the Ro-Ro terminal of 57 ha and a logistics center of 42 ha. Container terminal will have a 1,220 m-long quay wall (including 5 berths). The length of Ro-Ro terminal’s dock line will be 710 meters (3 berths). After completion of Bronka Phase 1 its capacity will reach 1.45 million TEUs and 260,000 units of Ro-Ro cargoes. In future the MSCC Bronka expansion will help increase the facility’s container throughput to 1.9 million TEUs.
Upon completion of the port’s construction and dredging to the design mark of 14.4 meters in 2015 MSCC Bronka will be able to accommodate Post-Panamax containerships and the ferries of Finnstar class. Implementation of the Bronka project is expected to generate 2,300 jobs at its marine terminals alone.
The launch of MSCC Bronka operations is scheduled for September 2015.